Yes, our driving question has changce my last reflection, I have learned that many nations use stereotypes to further their power over others. We changed it to make it sound better and because our first driving question was not 100% approved. We are doing an interview. The other options did not go well with our topic, there isn't really many people to interview about our topic. We have chosen to interview a professor that is an author to one of the articles we have chose to work with. Finding her email has been difficult because she has several emails and they are from her previous jobs. We are looking for a more recent email and so far we have found her phone number. We still need to find more articles since we changed our driving question and made it more complex. Gathering the info and putting it into place is still kind of difficult since we don't have all our articles and we keep finding out new things about our topic. Our group works together after school because we all dont have the same classes together. Its working good. Since the last time I did research I learned that many nations abuse the power they are given. They gain it by using religious stereotypes to have their whole nation fear them to do whatever it is they please. That is not okay because they sometimes force people to convert to a new religion, prison and in some cases death. I learned that I actually work good in a groups but I easily get annoyed. We want to want to make sure everything we do relates to our topic and our creative artifact . So far everything does all we need is a timeline to relate to overtime. For our art piece we want to make a paper machine fists and make them chained in handcuffs with keys and the religions as keys. We still are not 100% sure what we are doing for our artifact. We might just do a mural since we have no idea what to do. In our next steps we need to get all of our information organized and glued on the board because we have an extension. Our collaboration is way better since paola can come work with us during her first period and we stay after school for mentorship. Everything is working well, the whole thing is just super stressful I can't wait to be done with symposium. Interview results with Mr. Miraglia:
“Well you can go all the way back to the muslims and the christians, crusades and even if you go back before that there's many religious groups that are fighting. You look at the middle east that where you see mosts of the fighting taking place and it continues today and it's basically over religious issues, the muslims versus the Hindus or the Hindus versus the Buddhist or the Christians versus the Muslims so its continued for thousands of years.”
“I’ll give you a good example yesterday in Indonesia the governor from one of the states is Christian and was thrown in jail for supposedly reading a passage from the Quran and he’s in jail for 2 years just for reading that and so what it does is it gives a power to the muslims. We now know religious groups can not speak out against them in political power.”
“Positively I think the issue with religion is that the very institution of religion, if they do it without any intolerance there can be positive effects from that and usually you’ll see peaceful nations. Negatively, obviously when there's religious intolerance and it's based upon the governments rule by a certain religious group then you have intolerance and then religious persecution all you have to do is look at the Middle East, Surya, in Iraq also and in Indonesia.” Analysis: Mr. Miraglia is a social studies educator here at our esteemed school, Mendez Fundamental. He is very knowledgeable in many topics of history, including roles religion played in history. Through this interview we found that religion is a key factor in wars. Many wars are started over religious beliefs of another. Another piece of information we learned was that religion can be used to silence others from speaking their mind about issues. Religion can cut off people’s freedom of speech to keep the government in power. A final concept we learned from this interview from Mr. Miraglia was religion can be a positive and negative factor to the relationships of other countries. It can be positive by changing a nation’s ability to have a relationship with other nations because of the teaching of that religion. Religion can be negative by causing religious intolerance, rules by tyrannical governments and religious persecution. This information helped us with our project and research by giving us some background about the already religious nations that have gone to war with another country about |